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Founded in 1969, Grex provides training and education influenced by the Tavistock model of group relations work.  Grex aims to further the understanding of the forces that determine the complexity of organizational, social and political dynamics. Through educational programming and organizational consultation, Grex promotes innovation in the application of group relations theories and serves as a resource to other training and educational institutions. 


Members of Grex support the purpose of the institute through their dues and active participation in the organization.  In order to be eligible for membership, an individual must have attended at least one experiential group relations conference. Members who are current in their dues shall have full voting privileges in Grex and receive a discount when registering for Grex sponsored conferences and events. Grex members are invited to meetings, conferences and experiential events. Individuals may join GREX without being members of the A.K. Rice Institute, though joint membership will assist both organizations.


This three-day group relations conference offers a unique opportunity to study the conscious and unconscious dynamics involved in how groups organize themselves and interact with each other.  This conference is not a passive learning event that relies upon lectures.  Instead, the learning is experiential.  Participants study how leadership, followership, authority, task, boundaries, and roles operate in the different group experiences they enter during the conference.  The conference will weave art and other non-verbal forms of expression into the conference events to illuminate unconscious dynamics operating in the system of group interactions that members and staff will create together.

Grex: The West Coast Affiliate of the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems
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